Kid's Ear Piercing Policy
Prices: 8 and up - from $95.00 per earlobe.
Pricing for Kids Ear Piercings includes a titanium threadless post (backing) as well as a plain titanium ball attachment. Various colours and sizes are available. We have many more jewellery options available also.
Pricing breakdown per ear is as follows:
- Titanium threadless post (backing): $30.00
- Titanium ball attachment (front): $30.00 (other options available)
- Piercing Fee: $35.00
At Cherrycore we are a best practice facility following leading aseptic practice to ensure the only the best is given to everyone, this includes the well-being of your little one.
As earlobe piercing can be a very exciting experience and for some, it can also be a little nerve wracking. We have designed a system that allows us to to deliver maximum comfort to your child.
The most common question that we get asked is, "do you use guns or hand held devices?”
We proudly say that “we do not offer ‘gun’ piercings or hand held staple devices". We do not offer subpar methods and never compromise on sterilisation.
If you care for your child's wellbeing - which we know you do - you can continue reading about the risks in the link below. But if you don’t have time for the read, here is a short version;
- Guns are not sterilisable. This means that there is a huge risk of cross contamination of body fluid and potential of bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, Hepatitis B & C, and more.
- Low quality jewellery. At best, the studs used in these machines may be 316L "surgical" stainless steel. This is the legal minimum quality material allowable for use in a fresh piercing. There are a number of potential issues with this material, as well as the poor manufacturing and polish on this type of jewellery. We only use implant grade titanium or 14k/18k solid gold.
- The jewellery makes the hole. Using these systems, the jewellery itself is forced through the skin with a pointy (but not sharp) end of the jewellery. This causes much more trauma to the skin, which can lead to slow healing and often increased scar tissue.
- You can read more about piercing guns here.
At Cherrycore we only use single use, sterile needles for all piercing services.
This is a much safer and more comfortable way to have piercings done, it also enables us to use the best quality materials and jewellery designs.
Our terms:Children must be able to listen and understand what the piercer is saying, follow simple instructions and understand the fact that they are going to be pierced with needles.
They must be able to sit on the bed by themselves (without being held or on someone’s lap).
Because of these requirements, we do not pierce children under 8 years of age.
For children, we offer services with Threadless studs only. No rings, no threaded jewellery. Some of the starting options of threadless jewellery could be:
14k - 18k Gold jewellery options are also available.
This is to ensure the security of the attachments, as well as the “safety feature” of the attachment coming off, should the jewellery get pulled from the front, rather than having the stud pull through the ear.
If you or your child would like both earlobes pierced at the same time, we can arrange for two piercers to assist.
To avoid room and noise congestion, there will be a “lead piercer” to take you and your child through the jewellery consultation process, and the pre-piercing process (marking, skin prep and aftercare consultation).
The second piercer will come into the room to assist with performing the piercings once everything is open and ready to go.
Unfortunately we are unable to offer ‘walk in’ appointments for kids earlobe piercings. Earlobe piercing services must be booked ahead of time to ensure we can offer a calmer environment and to allow us to create a positive memorable experience for you both.
Piercing appointments for any person under the age of 16 will require the Legal Guardian to be present, as well as one of the following types of Photo ID;
This means we are unable to accept consent from any persons who is not deemed by law a guardian, and able to consent to medical procedures.Most Commonly this is the Childs Biological or Adoptive Parent, or any person who has been appointed as a guardian by the court.